The BBC recently ran an interesting article about eating out with your children, entitled
Toddlers in restaurants - a social battlefield. For any mother or father of young children, this article doesn't present any new information, but it is comforting to know that I am not alone in the stress of trying to eat out with little ones. The references to family-friendly restaurants is irrelevant to those of us not living in the U.K., but the advice is good. I have reprinted it below, as well as a couple of my own personal tips and tricks:
- Go to a restaurant that won't stress you or the kids out
- Go when the toddlers are not too hungry
- Take a stash of books or small quiet toys
- Try and sit away from the romantic couples
- There is safety in numbers
- If your children cannot be quieted take them outside until calm is restored
- Source for above information: Katie O'Donovan, Mumsnet (
- Choose low-traffic times to go out, such as lunches, early dinners, and week nights
- Choose a restaurant with good service or a short wait (buffets are great for kids)
- Don't be afraid to use the Time Out - even in public.
- Ask for to-go boxes and the check as soon as your food is served, so that in case of emergency, you can get out efficiently
- Never underestimate the value of carry-out
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